3 Weird Things Affecting Your Website’s Google Ranking

So, you have already put up your website and filled it up with content but your page ranking is still unimpressive.

After all the hard work you put into the website development, you are still receiving poor results.

This dilemma is actually pretty common, especially among new website owners. Sometimes, initial results do not exactly meet expectations.

There is hope!

The good news is – it is never too late to turn your business around.

Even if you have already launched your brand, you can still do tweaks and tricks to get that high ranking you’ve always wanted.

Prepare yourself…

Think of this as another learning opportunity you can use to evolve your site into a better performing page.

Here are some factors you should look into, if you want to improve your site’s Google ranking:

1. Slow Load time.

How to fix a slow loading website

If your pages are slow to load, Google translates that as bad user experience.

Naturally, your visitors would want a seamless browsing experience when they navigate through your site.

How fast should my website load?

The ideal time for page loading should be around 3 seconds.

Speed is key.

The longer it takes for your page to load, the less patient your visitor becomes.

When this happens, there’s a high chance your users will transfer to your competitor’s website to get the information or product they need.

To determine the loading performance of your website, use free online checkers such as Pingdom and GTmetrix. These tools are designed to do an analytical scan of your website and provide quick results along with actionable recommendations.

2. Not Secured.

How do I secure my website with SSL certificate Orange County

Security is very important for both search engines and users.

Understandably, your site will lose credibility if is not equipped with proper elements to protect its users. This is especially important if you are running an e-commerce site or a page that requires information from visitors.

How do I secure my website?

Improve your security by turning your page into an SSL-encrypted website.

This kind of transition takes extra work but offers great benefits for you and your audience as it protects both ends. Google rewards SSL-secured websites with better page rankings as they know these pages can be trusted.

3. Not Mobile-friendly.

Irvine Orange County mobile responsive design is important

As you may already notice, a large percentage of users browse websites through their mobile devices like iPhones and tablets.

How many users browse the internet via a mobile device?

According to digital experts, almost 50% of website traffic comes from mobile.

Mobile responsive design is key.

To ensure your mobile visitors receive premium web experience, your pages need to be mobile-friendly. Otherwise, visitors will easily get turned off with error messages or poorly optimized pages. This results to bad user experience and low credibility.

If you are selling products on your site, you will be losing customers quickly.

Make sure all of your pages are optimized to be mobile-friendly. Use Google’s Mobile Friendly Test to see if your website is mobile friendly. This useful service scans your page and runs simple tests to check if your site is appealing on mobile devices. If your site fails the test, you will have to consider re-designing to make sure it is accessible for all kinds of users.

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